my life

Jul 29, 2005 00:21

I went bouldering today for the first time in months because a friendly acquaintence invited me along with him on a whim. It was pretty sweet, even though I'm way out of practice and did practically nothing--for some reason I still feel like I've worked some things that haven't been worked for a while.

Met with three professors today:
  • Computer science professor to talk about a possible information science major he and some other computer science people are working on. Maybe a more legit track to where I want to be?
  • My econ professor/summer boss. Did some more algebra for our paper on patents. Still need to get an OK from him to write a paper on competitive innovation--I think I've got all the math worked out.
  • Cog sci professor who does work on machine learning. Very cool guy, interested in/working on many of the things I care about: philosophy of science, descriptions of human behavior, normative standards of reasoning. Solid methodology: denies Popperian falsification as standard, which is totally valid, and instead works via formalism and computational models that are then confirmed empirically. I need to study up on this sort of thing. How do you compare confirmations? Tricky...

Anyway, it was a good day, and I wanted to tell you about it. My driving test is in a week--remind me to study the manual so I don't bomb the test questions.

professors, bouldering, methodology

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