so much for that

Aug 23, 2015 21:28

ok had high hopes about that but hindsight is 20/20

writing personal narrative on the internet is a liability now so there goes the creative outlet.
mainly doing academic writing now anyway.

in June I successful became a scientist! (meaning: presented and published an empirical result that used some impressive (to me) statistics)
now of course I'm bored of that.

things are quiet. by accident getting to the point where I have nothing to do but "work on my dissertation".
i've spent four years being humbled about the possible significance of such a thing.
these things are not significant, as the significance is socially constructed, and my somewhat antisocial tendencies have not done me any favors as far as positioning my work goes.

it's ok.
there is something to be said for stoic resignation.
I do after all *understand things* better than I ever have.
So little is actually outrageous.
Things are mostly fine, and getting agitated often makes the bad things worse.

so chill.
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