(no subject)

Sep 28, 2010 16:00

  • Been struggling to cram life/errands/relationship maintenance into a small block of time.
  • Stress levels generally been low except for one headachy point.
  • Identity crisis. Fears of lacking integrity. Life feels ad hoc. Reflection on life-as-it-is consistently contradicts self-perception. Lifestyle changes occurring with little global deliberation. Imposter complex.
  • I've been making Art! Loving it. This time, it looks/feels/is strangely associated with Art as an institution. Is that right? What is going on?
  • For my next trick, I've bough some suits and will fly to Indonesia to pretend to be an International Businessman for most of the month of October.
  • Mind meld with Sabin School reveals more synergies than expected. Growing convinced that I haven't been saying enough of what's on my mind these past months, that the restraint is what's exhausting. Shouting more is in order.
  • Getting very apathetic about work and some other elements of life. I think this is a valuable restructuring of goals.
  • Loving the Autumn even though its gross. Worse weather reduces pressure to be outside, makes indoors cozy not stuffy. All activities seem equally appropriate, but pedestrian travel still appealing. Sense of urgency but not despair.
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