
Sep 04, 2010 23:43

I've been in Barcelona just about 15 hours now but it's a city the moves up on you fast. Hearsay and bits of experience are resonating.

Will try to describe better soon, but for now: Tapas. We (some coworkers and I) just had an amazing tapas dinner.

- Spinach with garbanzo beans and pancetta
- The "Pahissa Bomb" -- ground meat and potatoes wrapped in some sort of baked dough with a spicy sauce
- This ethereally flavored white bean dish with baby shrimp and mussels (or clams? Not sure what sort of shellfish is up here)
- Grilled octopus or maybe it was squid who knows but it was done perfectly with some lemon

Next party i through will definitely be a Tapas themed party. Don't know why it hasn't occurred to me before--there's just the right amount of structure, a challenge for those who want it, room for creativity for those who want that, and a good excuse to drink lots of wine.


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