An Anatomy of Awkwardness

Jul 22, 2010 09:29

(1) It is hard to pay attention to more than one person at a time.

(2) Who you pay attention to has social, political, and ethical consequences.

(2.1) There is probably a reduction from the Space model of social engagement to the Attention model, but I don't know it yet.

(2.1.1) Hypothesis: the Space model represents a reificiation of high-level generalizations over the Attention model, but it is lossy because the Attention model is a level of analysis more sensitive to the realities of individual difference.

(2.1.2) Speculation: the Attention model is insufficient because it does not capture the direction of information flow. (A and B can be co-attending, but with A primarily speaking and B primarily listening.)

( There are also consequences of the content of the communication, especially if the content contains a reference to somebody present. In this situation, there is a disturbance between the Semantic level of activity and the Attentive level of activity.

( The True model must accommodate the attentional consequences of semantics. (E.g. "You". c.f Buber)

(3) I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten what I was talking about. Were you saying something?

attention, awkwardness

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