
Mar 24, 2010 10:33

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Mostly I just love the lyrics.

I was listening (on Pandora) to Iron & Wine's "The Trapeze Swinger" this morning for the first time and was filled with the familiar melancholy I feel whenever I'm faced with a beautiful nostalgia to which I have no personal access. Isn't it unjust that we can't all be sad in just that way? So I listen to some math rock to regain composure, and then this came on and started speaking to me.

I've been happily immersing myself in a cult of introversion lately. Antonio has been introducing me to Dr. Who, who made me realize that there is such a thing as an INTJ action hero. I think The Man With No Name may also qualify, but I'm not sure. Any others come to mind?

music, introversion

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