Snow Day

Feb 10, 2010 21:54

Yesterday like everyone else in NYC we heard that there would be a ton of snow today and that maybe we should work from home we didn't get stuck in it.

I decided to go one better and take the day off. It was a really good idea.


10:00 Wake Up. Turn on computer, start chatting with Piotr who is in a different time zone and writing email.
11:30 Get out of bed. Shower.
12:30 Leave house for coffee shop.
12:40 Arrive at coffee shop, determine that it's too crowded.
1:00 Arrive at favorite neighborhood diner. Begin writing and reading.
4:45 Leave favorite diner full of coffee and with new draft material.
5:00 Arrive at apartment. Begin typing up draft material, work on email, check out some internet stuff.
?? Parents call at some point.
8:00 Realize I'm really hungry, go get some pizza.
8:20 Come home with pizza. Eat it while chatting with roommate.
8:50 Return to room and continue email, internet stuff.
9:53 Blog about it

Perfect. And the night is young.
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