My near future.

Apr 28, 2007 03:07

I got a job offer this afternoon. It's for the job at the non-profit in NYC that I've been drooling over for about six months. This is a good thing because I've been more or less drooling so hard that I've forgotten to apply to many other things. I think I'm going to take it. I intend to write something later about exactly why I think it's a good fit.

This means I'll be moving to the city in September. It also means I'll be taking the summer off. I'm thinking of spending a lot of it traveling. This involves the blowing of some savings, but said job is making me feel comfortable with this kind of investment into the cultivation of myself. Possible destinations include a stop at Washington, D.C. and a stay in St. Louis, Missouri. Also, I'll probably go either to Europe (with family, then solo) or South America (with high school friends organizing a trip).

So the future is very bright. Thanks to those who told me so all along. You told me so.

Before any of this, though, I have to graduate. And between now and then is the final writeup for my independent study. Really, this has to happen between now and Monday. I've realized that for some of it, I have no idea what I'm doing. A wise woman once told me, "Fake it 'til you make it."

I also need to edit another draft of the Tetlock review. I also need to present this kind of bad book about Zen and neuroscience in class on Monday. So this weekend is going to suck.

Remind me to tell you about the Mind and Life Institute conspiracy some time.

the future, travel, topp, jobs

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