Spring Weekend

Apr 22, 2007 00:30

This is Spring Weekend: the weekend when everybody is supposed to stop everything and party, non-stop, for at least three days. This is my last Spring Weekend: it should be the biggest party I ever attend at college. Which means it is probably the biggest party event of my entire life.
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eternal recurrence, spring weekend, isolation, parties, concerts, love, weekends

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Comments 16

epictetus_rex April 22 2007, 06:00:35 UTC
Almost everything I work for matters absolutely zilch in that other world, and I am reminded that the things I have sacrificed on the altar of my highest values were indeed valuable.

I understand this tension, this schizophrenia, so very well. While I don't think that we should be fearful of living multiple lives, philosophy is a tricky case, because there's this nagging thought that floats around the discipline: "The true and the good should not be wholly seperated."

In other words, if you can find no connection between the theoretically true and the vitally good, something has gone wrong in your conceptualization of one or both. A philosopher who finishes an internaly consistent and persuasive theory of truth is in trouble if he cannot connect it to something that is good for him or for his people.

Don't be afraid to use Katie as your medium. Sometimes, people change, and they change through contact with others, and this takes time. Nothing wrong with that.


doclabyrinth April 22 2007, 11:51:43 UTC
when you indicate your location as "ta room," don't you mean "seb lab?"


paulhope April 22 2007, 21:12:51 UTC
Haha. No, the Seb Lab has windows. I mean the room buried just a bit off-center on the third floor.


ode_to_tapirs April 22 2007, 19:33:45 UTC
Let's be frank: spring weekend is horrible. It's not fun. I hate it. It doesn't cater to my needs, but it pretends do. It's like New Year's eve: it's never fun, because everyone is so DESPERATE to have fun. Saturday night of spring weekend is about the best possible time to stay inside and feel glum. In having that experience, you were actually united with more of your peers than you might care to imagine.



theshowmustgo0n April 23 2007, 04:20:26 UTC
here here!


paulhope April 24 2007, 05:54:04 UTC
Thanks for your solidarity.

But doesn't it get to you that there are so many people that are looking, at least, like they are having fun? Like those naked dancers. They must have been having fun, right?

On the other hand--aren't they over-represented? I mean, just because the Unwitting Coallition of the Glum don't go out in public on such nights?

We should hang out at the mall some time, by the way. ;)


ode_to_tapirs April 25 2007, 05:12:56 UTC
sure, those naked dancers were probably having plenty of fun...but c'mon, it's like the MAN was TELLING them to have fun, you know? Who wants to give in to that? I'm not gonna have fun when the DEAN wants me to!

See yah at Popeye's in the food court


saucypunk April 22 2007, 22:15:16 UTC
hey, that sounds completely familiar. My only interesting spring weekend memory was getting incredibly screwed over by a girl on the rugby team i was trying to hook up with...

on a mostly unrelated note, any idea where you're going to be this summer? if you're in providence on August 11, you and Katie and anyone else fun are invited to Part the Second of Commitmentpalooza 2007 (which is the name i just coined for my not-wedding.) There will be good party fun that evening at Jesse's apartment on the west side.

would love to see you!


paulhope April 24 2007, 14:55:49 UTC
Right now my summer plans are up in the air. Most likely, I'll be taking it off and traveling, so I'm not sure where I'll actually be. But I'll definitely keep your Commitmentpalooza in mind!

In other news, if things go my way, I'll be living in NYC next year. I'll keep you posted.


vaguelyweird April 22 2007, 23:47:53 UTC
i understand you. i identify with your words.

we need to have an open moment, without.. guard.


paulhope April 23 2007, 22:14:53 UTC


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