Grandma on the future

Mar 06, 2007 15:18

Anxiety about the future settles into my lungs deeper each day like an unchecked virus. Whenever I plan ahead to dedicate a block of time to applying to more things, I find myself after the fact empty handed. Did I sleep through it? Did other things come up?

Today was a career fair on campus. I talked to some friends (Chuck Washington and another, from ITA) but otherwise did a couple of futile circles, seeing nothing that I felt interested in or qualified for. Those few things--mostly, admittedly, long shots--that I have had the necessary will to stick my neck out for keep slipping through my fingers.

For Christmas, Mom got Grandma this printer that hooks up to a phone line; it lets people send her emails without her ever needing to use a computer. I wrote to her some time last week, mentioning my fears. I got her response, by mail, today. She writes:
"It's a cold day but the sun is shining. I hear birds singing in the trees. They know Spring is coming and with it the promise of great things to come. I know that for a fact. Fear not the future, God will take care of it for us."

the future, spring, grandma, fear, anxiety, faith

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