(no subject)

Nov 11, 2006 21:39

One cup of Franzia ruins any chance of hunkering down to study for my exam on Consciousness. Meanwhile, my roommate Melanie and her idea James are planning on making a movie inspired by Borges.

M: "No, you have to be back here wondering if you only imagined it because you saw it for only a short time in your youth."
J: "Have you ever seen any expressionist films?"

I eavesdrop on them guiltlessly.

This week I had the most amazing idea inspired by Tetlock's scholarly proof of the failure of most political pundits' ability to predict the future. The idea: start a company whose business model is making bets with asshole pundits. "Oh yeah, well I bet you $10,000 that oil prices DON'T rise under this regime," etc. Where to get the predictions on which to base the political betting? Electronic futures markets. Pundits will only be able to maintain reputations by making absurd bets. Word.

Speaking of which, there is one article in the most recent edition of The Dissident about something like this.

Things are otherwise peachy

the dissident, tetlock, business plan, melanie, films, lightweight, james, electronic futures markets

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