simple rules to follow

Jan 05, 2004 22:10

Kisses should be free,
given away as most do
It is well received
that you wouldn't give a handshake
to a leper
so the same holds true
for a kiss
A fuck is a little extra
a nice how do you do
a tryout of the soul
to see the true meaning within
if curiousity should desire
a second
and third
and perhaps fourth
should be given
and received
because there are those of us
whose variety
does not hold true
to a single fuck
mean once,
simply romantically sensual the next
though by the fourth
one should know
which catergory one would belong in
I am blessed enough to hold variety
which makes me an excellent candidate for
we all fall into our little ruts
and lust becomes bore
after a while
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