
Feb 03, 2011 18:55

This week has gone well. Little to no nausea, but also little to no sleep so far. I have felt suprisingly good, almost unchemo. (Next week will be the two doses of chemo though, so I expect to go downhill again).


...the rash the rash the rash the rash...

It begins anew. The acne on the face, particularly around the nose had started a couple of days ago, but this afternoon it has spread over my chest, also showing spotting over my stomach, and my cheeks and forehead are also beginning to bloom. I had hoped this wasn't going to be as bad as the Panitumamab, but it looks like it is about to kick on in. The scalp is relatively good (ie no massive patches of pus this time round) and so far the back is still relatively clear.

Lips are burning. Face is stinging.

Hey, I remember this shit. It's horrible. Let's hope it's kicking arse again too.

Mental outlook, apart from this hideous shit, is actually strong.

the road forward, cancer

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