The Raw Food Diet: Day 16

Feb 02, 2010 09:15

The Raw Food Diet continues, almost unabated. Weight loss is a concern, as I've lost a further 2 kilos, so I'm having to supplement with extra carbs. Jules made me poached eggs the other day (her suggestion, not mine, though I was keen), and I've been having four slices of toast before bedtime in the off chance I might actually store some of the carbs. I often have a banana smoothie after dinner, containing pure cacao poweder and blue corn powder - a massive hit of antioxidants. The smoothie is amazing, better than a naughty one (ie that has icecream and chocolate syrup).

And I've discovered something wonderful about the Raw Food Diet. As a man with an impaired bowel, I can happily leave mid-meal for a good solid poop and not worry about my dinner going cold.

diet, the road forward, cancer

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