A new twist...

Sep 16, 2004 14:27

This may sound bad, but I just woke up... Yeah, it's like 2:30 pm right now. I really need to sleep earlier. Anyway, I've decided to post my dreams I've been having. Last night I had a pretty strange one. It started out normal (for my dreams that is) but ended up pretty bad. Here goes...

I was with two friends (I can't remember who, so I'll just say Shane and... Tim) and we were going to the mall. When we got there, there was this big sign saying "YUGIOH EXPO," so I said, "Cool, let's check it out." We saw this big crowd and asked them if they were there for Yugioh, but one guy told us that the Yugioh Expo was over half an hour ago. They were there for the Pokemon Expo. They all rushed in really fast but me, Shane, and Tim got left behind. The door's were locked and we couldn't get in. So Shane said, "Screw that, we're getting in!" So he picks up a table and starts hitting the door with it. (I know where that part came from. It was exactly what happened in "Cased Closed" last night.) There was a security guard coming, but he didn't see us. We got inside and the place who huge. For some reason, we were tracking in water. We saw more security guards so the three of us split up and went all "Metal Gear." Tim snuck into the clothing store and came out wearing woman's clothes (remember I'm just using Tim's name, I don't remember exactly who it was) and he escaped to "round 2" where the scene shifted to a private school.

Shane went into a toy store and got a couple of laser guns and a light saber. After that he went two "round 2" as well. I on the other hand ended up in round two to start with. Tim blended in well to the scenery because it was an all girl school. Shane went crazy on the guards with his guns and saber. I on the other hand got caught but was saved when a girl distracted the guard. I used some moves I don't even have (I'm talking Jet Li style) and knocked the guard out. I tried following the girl, but she was always at a distance. I finally caught up with her, but we were now in "round 3' the Girls' dorm. I went into her room and her back was turned to me. I said my thank yous and everything and asked who she was. She turned around and said her name was "Cat." The girl was actually Ciatsuaphim, back from school. We talked for a bit then Shane and Tim came in and dragged me out, saying that the guards were coming and it was too dangerous. I turned back to Cat but she was gone. Her roommate said she went to the "sitting room" which was like a lounge.

I went in there and did something I never would do, simply because I am too weak minded. I went in there and I held her hand. Looking into her eyes, I said...
"You know, for a long time now, I've loved you... but I didn't realize it until now..." Her face turned red and she jumped up, running out the door. I went back to her dorm room, but it was locked. All I could hear was crying from the other side.

Well that's all that happened. I think the part about Cat came from a repressed feelin I had about two years ago, when I met her. At first I did kind of have a crush on her. Oh well, I've lost my chance to tell her anyway. "If you're out there, and you can find a way to read this... I just want you to know, that I do like you, more than a regular friend, that is..." Maybe I should erase that part... but part of me doesn't want to. I guess, deep down, I really am a hopeless romantic... *sighs* me and my aching heart...

Paulfucious says...
"...a lifetime's not too long to live as friends..." -from Friends, by Micheal W. Smith
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