So I've just been to Tesco. Apart from putting the wheelie bin out Monday and bringing it back in Tuesday, that's the first time I've left the house since this time last Thursday.
Spring has arrived. The path to Tesco is lined with flowers. The sun was shining. I was getting quite warm (and not a fever, either). But the path was almost empty, even emptier than a normal Sunday.
And Tesco was a lot quieter than this time last week. Almost no queues at the check-outs. They were operating one operator per two person check-out station, so half the number of check-outs operational, but no big queues like last week.
Yes, a lot of the shelves were empty, but not totally. There was actually washing-up liquid this week. Not my normal type, but I got some. There were eggs. Again, not my normal type. There was fresh meat. There were potatoes and fresh fruit. There were no four-pint milk cartons, so I had to buy two two-pint.
But getting enough for a whole week only just fit into my two shopping bags. Maybe next week I'll see if I can find my old rucksack.
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