I've Been Tagged!

Mar 04, 2007 01:42

Tanas (
phishnbear) has tagged me to post "'6 weird/interesting things about yourself' that people might not know and tag 3 other people." It has taken me a few days to come up with 6 items. I've always felt like I was weird, but I'm not sure about interesting.
Thanks again, Tanas!

1.  I'm a nudist.
My interest in nudism is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "weird and interesting." I'm not sure how unknown it is. I became a social nudist seven years ago, but because of a lack of privacy, money, and/or transportation, I haven't been able to "practice" it much for the last 3 years, and have rarely talked about it among non-nudists. Nevertheless, nudism and being a nudist are still very important to me, and I hope to write about them in this journal.

2.  I studied architecture in high school and my first year of college.
After studying architectural design for a term at the University of Detroit, I decided that I didn't love it, and that it was too demanding a profession to pursue if you didn't love it. It was a difficult decision to make, and I still regret it sometimes. I actually consider the fact that I majored in film studies at U of M more unusual and interesting than my architectural background, but it's also more known.

3.  If I open my mouth wide, the right side of my jaw pops slightly out of place.
It pops back into place when I close my mouth, and I wasn't even aware of it until I was working with a physical therapist a few years ago on some other problem.

4.  I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
It was diagnosed in 1996 and treated with behavioral therapy and medication. It's a LOT better than it used to be, but it's still lurking there. Even at my worst, I was never as bad as Monk!

5.  I've taken swimming lessons three times, but I still can't swim.
I know the techniques but I haven't gotten enough practice.

6.  I didn't "come out" as a gay man until I was 35.
In 1985 I told my trusted friend and roommate, Paul, that I might be gay. After participating in the LGBT Office's Coming Out group in 1987, I believed that I was at least bisexual, but then I regressed into uncertainty again. It took another 13 years and attending a gay men's therapy group to finally accept that I was a homosexual.

I only know a handful of people on LJ, so I guess I'll tag:
tissuesan, and

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