Honestly, that was one of the happiest days of my life.
Ok, I won't be seeing my best friend for at least eight months now, and having reached the climax of the two weeks it is now nothing but come down, but still.
It was very much the climax, some of my misgivings about the amount of stuff achieved in the period have just dropped away in the last few days, today was what was truly important, and it felt it.
Setup went without a hitch (It was interesting to see James being the totally calm one.)
And the event itself...Well, put this way, I had thought the soppy bastard part of my brain was well atrophied, turns out it isn't. I haven't grinned that much in more than a year. James (and I) looked great and it turns out in an act of serendipity my all black/red tie combo ended up working perfectly with the maid's dresses and the general decor (score one for the monochrome wardrobe.)
As for Lesley, well...yeah, shall we say a lot of effort was applied to some amazing material and the end result achieved the desired goal of jaws and the ground meeting in union.
I have never seen two people so utterly terrified, nor have I seen two people fall into one another and relax the moment the talking was over and the chellist had played them out the other side of the doors, they make for a tremendously cute couple...(argh, soppy bastard again.)
The extended families, friends and the like were all great, after a few drinks and some music (not to mention cake) mingling and chatting took place.
Special mention must go to Maria (James sister) for her work on the flowers (they were really pretty, and yes I am comfortable with saying that.)
Kelli (Lesley's sister) showed some serious bakery-fu with a different cake at each table (if you wanted to try all of them you had to mingle.)
And also to Justin and Christie (Lesley's cousin and her husband) for their fantastic work behind the camera. I will be posting the link separately as he is putting all the images online (Digital SLR for the win!) with the option to buy prints, something I likely will be doing. Lots of pics, well set up, and some lovely moments caught with the help of a long lens and a quick eye. Plus Justin was a top bloke who I could have shot the breeze with all day.
(I will add the addenda that there are a lot of pictures of cakes and of my tie, apparently black and red brocade in a double windsor is like visual crack.)
As far as my speech went, in the end I basically winged it, I knew what I wanted to get across, so I did, a quick anecdote, some massive heartfelt eulogizing, a few quips and transatlantic jokes (not to mention red herrings with my glass...wait for it, nope not yet.) And done, I'm beginning to really enjoy this sort of light speaking and based on what I was told later it went down well.
I suceeded in not choking up, which is more than can be said for everyone else that spoke, which was frankly, charming to watch and I suspect the only time Skype will get a mention and thanks from the maids of honour and the groom, with the word of the day being "Awesome".
It was nice to be able to take a hand in the organisation and do the best man running around, herding cats thing, frankly the whole affair was a tremendous honour to be a part of in the way I was (though next time I do a wedding there will be walkie talkies and flesh tone earbuds.)
The venue was great, though with a very odd air of quirky weirdness about it; a converted school, run as function rooms, bars, restaurants, a theatre and a hotel (Bride and Groom only had a hundred yards to get to a room...)
All said, it was worth the plane ticket alone for the last couple of days of being able to spend time with James and Lesley and help their wedding go as well and as happily as it did. I'm utterly happy for them, and deeply hoping I will get more opportunities to see them as time goes along (honestly I couldn't bear not to.)
(A final mention has to go to Jen for her unique, cool and desperately touching contribution to the sign in book. I don't know if a scan is appropriate, but yeah, it was a nice touch.)