Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test...
Boldly Honest Soul
You are a confident, social person, and you love to be the centre of attention. You spend a lot of time sharing your thoughts and opinions with your friends. Some people are hurt or offended by your opinions, but you have a right to express yourself, just like anybody else. If they don't like what you say, they don't have to listen. You aren't going to alter yourself, your behaviour, or hide your opinions to cater to someone else's insecurities.
If you feel threatened by someone, you react immediately. You will defend yourself, your friends, your politics or your values vigourously and emotionally. You might become aggressive, or you might resort to tears, depending on your personal style, but you are never one to just sit back and let things go.
Some people who meet you - especially if they get on the wrong side of you - might think that you are a bit of a crank, due to your tendency towards brutal honesty. Your friends know differently. Underneath that aggressive exterior, you have a lot of heart. You just aren't one to just pretend that things are okay, if they aren't. If you are left on your own for too long, you start to "fade", feeling listless and depressed. A fun night out with your friends will soon bring the spring back into your step. You love physical sensations, like the sound of music pounding in your ears, or the feel of the ground beneath your feet as you run.
Your daemon's form would represent your extroverted nature, your unfettered honesty, and your untamed nature. He or she would probably encourage you to share your opinions, and would praise your honest ways.
Form suggestions:
Hot-blooded Horse, Parrot, Llama, Camel, Canada Goose.
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HelloQuizzy Suspect that first sentence needs a caveat and the animal is a suprise, but it looks pretty consistant.