Jun 12, 2006 08:53

First you said you were my friend FUCK YOU
Now the time will see if you'll stay true...

I hate to be one of those people who posts a huge bitching journal entry that is directed to someone(s) in specific because they're too lame to talk to those people in person but I really want to get this shit out and I don't care who reads it. This is directed to those of you who can't even fathom the idea that I made a mistake. And you know what, not a god damn one of you isn't guilty of fucking up majorly at least once in your lives. If you need a scape goat then fine. But hating me or taking it out on me isn't going to make you feel ANY LESS GUILTY for your own faults. You're not perfect and where the hell do you get off looking down on me? At least what I did was out of love, and not lust. I don't know how any of you could ever sit there and consider yourselves my friends. Because it's been proven that at the first site of trouble you head running for the hills. I'm so sorry that I may have done something that would reflect poorly upon you but last time I checked we were all human and shit happens. You can think I'm a horrible person for what I did, and you can say you don't want me in your life anymore but you better god damn believe you are no better than I. And if you honestly think that removing me from your lives are going to make things any easier for you then you're dead wrong. Because I'm entirely sure that I would have stood by you longer than any of those people who cast you out in the first place.
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