Title: Remus Lupin and the Revolt of the Creatures, Chapter Two: A New Host at the Headquarters
Author: PaulaMcG
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: (subtly, eventually) Remus/Sirius
Era and universe: Summer and autumn 1996, an alternative world after OotP
Chapter summary: Remus finds some work that can mean more to him than he dared hope.
Word count: around
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Comments 11
I'll concentrate on some specifics for the opening paragraphs again.
//It was still such an early hour of the morning that Privet Drive was completely quiet, but the dusk was already withdrawing//
If the setting is near dawn, I'm not sure "dusk" in the right word, since it's always associated with evening. Even in the English summer, the night does get fully dark, so early morning light wouldn't really still be dusk ( ... )
I like the image of the fog condensed on the ground; I can just see it, and it adds to the sense of forlorn-ness and isolation that you create for Remus. And the phrase "shortest, gentlest" appeals to me, too.
Overall, your English is excellent. I'm always put to shame when I see how well many Europeans speak English, compared to how few Americans are fluent in a second language!
(The comment has been removed)
Since you’ve read the comments above (and I’m glad you’ve been interested in reading them), you know that even after revision I can’t be quite satisfied with these chapters I wrote years ago. It’s reassuring to hear that they can work well enough for a reader. Perhaps I used far too many words, and the language could be tighter, but I’m glad the level of detail I show in Remus’s life is not superfluous. It’s particularly wonderful if I’ve succeeded when adding magic to his world - and if my very first OC (if we don’t count the namelss conductor in the opening scene), a non-human character, too, serves well in her role.
However, this is the most heartwarming part in your review:
you convey his resignation to poverty in a brilliantly understated way.Poverty has been a central theme/topic in my fanfic, and I’ve often thought that back when I started, my descriptions of it used to be ( ... )
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