Oct 02, 2008 13:45
Last night on his way home from call, Dan hit a pothole on his bike, came off and broke his clavical and possibly a wrist bone. We spent nearly five hours at SF General in the ER last night. There are so many patients that most are placed on gurneys in the hall ways. There are actually hall way parking locations for the gurneys i.e. HW4. The good news is that all that trauma puts perspective on a relatively average problem we had as opposed to the rape, beating, gunshot, stabbing and car accident victims (alive and dead, cooperative and AWOL) who surrounded us. I am not exaggerating, either.
He's in quite a lot of pain and we have to see an orthopedic specialist. He's on vicodin. General's Dr thought probably no surgery will be necessary but today it looks worse-quite out of alignment. Calling for an appointment.
There are loads of undone things which need attending to around here. My trip to Colorado was very nice. All three sisters made it.
Gotta run to make phone calls - not my idea of a good time.