I Don't Do Mornings At All!!!

Sep 07, 2007 20:30

Well people I've not had chance to do this at all because life has been so busy... My week in Lourdes was fun and more fun!! I got there on the 27th July. I had to wait until the 30th to see my friend Paddy, because he wasn't flying until the 30th! When we saw each other oh my god I was so happy to be with him. The Monday night we met at Miam Miams for our first drink together before going to the grotto to light some candles and to have a quiet moment together.
Tuesday well that was another free afternoon with Paddy at the Green Lake when some of the helpers were off shift and they got to go out. It was ace at the Green Lake as I got to spend some time chatting to him in privacy. We couldn't talk back at the hospital because he was on the lifting team this year.
On Thursday the the last night oh gosh that was just ace ace ace as I didn't get back in while 12a.m. Had the last dance to The Time Of My Life with Paddy what a cracking night that was.
And on Friday it was time to come home so I hugged Paddy and I was sad leaving him. But I had something to look forward to on the Monday after so that cheered me up. My kitten came to live with us and now every night she sleeps on my computer chair or on my bed at the bottom near my feet.
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