So... today an ole internet buddy of mine informed me that my page is.... well empty, while I can't disagree with that, I just simply never have anything to say. I know that's strange considering, for anyone that knows me, but these kind of things make me feel so naked and exposed. It almost feels like walking outside in the middle of the street in nothing but a birthday suit. Okay not that exposed. More like... I dunno fourth of July wasted and you tell all your dirty secrets or better yet when you tell all you best friend's secrets. Let me tell you that always goes over well. After 2 aspirins and lots of water the next morning you want to shoot yourself in the head. Not a good thing.
Anyway I know there was an initial reason I began this, but I can't seem to remember. These things are meant to be interesting. When in truth I am not very interesting. I am just your typical girl next door. Okay that isn't entirely accurate. I can think of a few things that I like to partake in that aren't very girl next doorish. Or.... more than a few, but who's counting? I sure as hell ain't.
For the past several days I have been sick and it has sucked ass like no other. I hate being in bed for long periods of time, with the exception of going to class. I've had what the doctors and others like to shorten to "The Flu" or what I like to refer to as a pain in my ass and a hindrance from getting laid. Whatever sounds best, you know? I am a fond believer in whatever makes you happy. So if you'd like to call it "The Flu" than be extremely boring and do so, I pass no judgments, or if you want to be amazing like, and call it my long ass name, I will not favor you anymore than the next person. ;) Just be sure to leave your name and number at the bottom or this. ;)
It seems that I have once again gotten off track with this. I can't quite remember where I was going with this. I guess this just proves what I said in the beginning. I have no idea how to write a journal. Not one that exposes myself anyway. Maybe I'll look at this from another point of view or something later on but for the time being. I am just not :) I am going to smile and nod and pretend that this has been the most remarkable first journal entry, that is actually a journal entry, and go on my happy go lucky way. :) Tada.
Peace, love, and all that other grand bull shit :)
-L "the magical unicorn"
If you are bored, and you must be if you are reading this. Go for it and enjoy my current "ohrwurm" yes I am aware that I just used an German word. It's so much cooler than saying "I have this song stuck in my head" anyway before I start rambling. Just watch this people.
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