Je Suis Arrive'

Feb 23, 2004 20:21


Ok, so I know that most of you... well at least one or two people want to know about my trip. So here it is:

The things that people MIGHT want to know about:

The Designers I tried On Cloths For: Dior, Versache, Gucci (worst cloths EVER!)Gevinchy, Boss, Armani, Lacoste, Springfield, Burberry and Hermes (pronounced her-mays(a touchy subject for them))

I only bought stuff from two: Armani (thats right Armani) and Springfield.

OK I saw A LOT of cloths in 8 days and I'm not one for style but my mom doesn't like the way I dress so I tried on design and I have decided that the "Euro-look" is NOT for me. But for you who want to know here it is according to those designers above.

Men: Pants that look like girl pants, real tight (I didn't any because they were a little TOO tight in that certain region there...) and blank tee-shirts with the designers name in the left chest part with zipper up sweat shirt or sweater real plain, then a plain light jacket (wind breaker-ish) or a dark leather one. To top it off, gator shoes, and a gator belt with a beanie like pauls (only designer)

Ladies: (I didnt try on the cloths but i saw the ladies in the stores try them on... OK mark tried on the cloths, HAHA) Ok, you remember that style for guys, with the boxers showing up top? Well thats the new style for girls only with tight pants and tight shirt. The shows are REALLY pointy and the jackets are leather and fur collars.

I also went to the touristy sites too like the Effile tour (spelled right?) Sainte Chappelle, Notre Dame and other sites


ok leave some comments about other things you want to know and stuff of that sort.


Oh and Luke or Billy rent the movie "Michael Vailliant" (Luke more than Billy becuase its a foreign filck about the Le Mans but heck you like movies Billy)
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