Jan 07, 2005 18:30
01. Reply with your name and I will write something about you.
02. I will then tell you what song[s] remind me of you.
03. Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated or otherwise.
04. Last, i will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. Put this in your journal it is not an option!
after many posts from friends giving their names and Angelitica responding like the above list.
this is interesting.
you seem to be a virtual fountain of imagery and references to character archtypes. Would your perceptions be a product of your bubbly personality or your councelor training?
and what do you see that you are not telling us??? ;)
I am Paul Michael.
Please, share your thoughts on me.
;) you shush about my counselor training. I'll call you this week btw.
1.) You are amazingly powerful, sleek and alluring. You've got mischief written all over you. Some people are intimidated by that, however I make it a hobby to surround myself with dangerous men and women alike ;)
2.) Voltaire - When your evil (i can imagine you getting away with tons of things, all the time.) ;)
3.) when you're older? Dustin Hoffman. he's just badass.
4.) Alluring
I'm not evil ;>
I'm just misunderstood.
(in another post)
Angelitica: (paraphrased)
these people responded (blah blah blah- is actually all the things they said about angelitica)
and these people (my name included in list) are slacker bitches for not responding yet...
I don't recall reading that I needed to reciprocate.. I thought it was a neat gift. But since something is required.....
1 I love that you are an eternal optimist, striving to see good in people, wanting to help as many as you can along your life's journey. This seems to land you "projects" who you can possibly put on the right path in life. Thankfully, this is an outlet for your boundless energy, that left undirected would make you over enthuesiastic- like a puppy. on caffeine. ;) You are bright and have a good heart, keep the "projects" to a minimum and you will go far.
2 the Cure- Friday (I'm in Love)- its bounce and disregard for faults/problems resembles your attitude
3 Imelda Marcos- the woman with the extreme footware acquisition OCD (but prettier)
4 Bubbly(borderline giddy- at least when you are around me)
oh, and if this is for a project at school you gotta post how you did ;)
*giggles* reciprocity is ALWAYS required sir! ;) not really, i'm just giving you shit. Don't be upset you!
05. Put this in your journal it is not an option! ;)
As for "projects," i guess we'll have to talk, as it is not my intention and no, its just a Meme my friend iamjackshate did... not a project.