May 05, 2009 23:22
So. My Production and Operations final was today. Prod & Op is technically referred to as a Management Science, the classification MSD. MSD 340, i think. But you know what? It's all math. That's all it is. Just a math class in disguise. I took really good notes for my note sheet, so I think i'll squeak by. This one kid HANDWROTE a note sheet with letters so small I couldn't see them, and he had diagrams on it and everything. He must have practiced that for a long time. Now I have nothing to do until Friday. AND THEN ITS VACATION! I will not be able to update my LJ while on vacation but you can bet your ass I will take a bunch of pics and host them. I don't know where the vacation is yet... the folks won't tell me until we get there. Grrr.. the suspense.
In video game related news, I have recently acquired Mario Hoops: 3 on 3 for the DS. I got the hang of it quickly, and had a marvelous time with the first two tournaments. I then followed my pattern and compared my opinions against the reviewers of Gamefaqs. They're mostly negative, I found. Most of the gripes arise from the fact that your teammates don't really do anything while you're controlling your character. Here's my take on that: YOU are the player. YOU are taking responsibility for your whole team. It is therefore your responsibility to manage them. They do get into better passing positions, and that's enough for me. But hey, people are always going to complain. And they say that the later tournaments get unfair. The AI is too hard. ... ... All right, let me explain something to you. THERE IS A DIFFICULTY CURVE. If you get to the last tournament, the game expects you're fully aware of what needs to be done. It's the same as in Mario Kart. When you start off on 50 CC, the game babies you. It treats you like a child. You're learning the game. By the time you graduate to 150 CC, you are an adult. You are playing the game with other adults (even though they're AI). You are expected to play like an adult. People who still want to take a commanding lead on the hardest difficulty levels are going to be sore with games like this. I personally haven't made it to the final rounds yet, but I will be trying to very soon. I have learned that you can unlock Black Mage and White mage as characters! (Yeah... this game is a collaboration between Nintendo, Rare, and... apparently, Square-Enix. I don't ask questions.)
I'm wondering how much my lifestyle is going to change once school ends. This is very soon: four days. I do have a summer class, but it's still not the same. Now jobs become the center focus, and everything will change. It's going to be a big shift... but I have a lot of support. I suppose I'll have to perfect the art of being in the right place at the right time; that's how I got my past two jobs. I worked at a video store for three years, which was an eventful experience, I can't say I ever became pro at the job... and then ShopRite, I worked in the deli.
In the news: There's a lawsuit brought by the families of these two girls who were booted out of a Catholic Lutheran school for having a lesbian relationship (allegedly.) They're claiming discrimination. I've read about this issue on websites and listened about it on the radio, and heard a multitude of different opinions. Here's where I stand, and for once my opinion is widely supported: It is a PRIVATE, CATHOLIC school. The foundation of their teachings are the Bible. They incorporate it into everything they do. Now, I'm Jewish, and I may not agree with some of the newer teachings, but even still... I think that this school has every right to expel these girls if they are indeed a lesbian couple and talking/acting upon it in the school. And they should do it without regret and without shame. Because, as I said, they are PRIVATE, and CATHOLIC. If... IF this were a public institution, paid for by the taxpayers of the school district, and where discrimination of any kind was disallowed, then I would say absolutely take action against this expulsion. But it is not. It is a private institution founded around the Bible.
*sigh* but hey. That's me. If you wish to debate me feel free to comment. I welcome opposing viewpoints.
And now, a list of some goals I have for the next few months.
--- Have tremendous fun on vacation, take lots of pictures
---Get well situated in my summer class and adapt to commuting with little trouble
---Get used to driving the minivan, since my Lumina will be scrapped.
---Possibly get employed at ShopRite until a better job is found, but in a non-deli position. Ideally cashier or nonfoods.
--Try to reduce hostile feelings towards video games, which tend to ruin moods or whole evenings
--Try to maintain a good mood around the house, so as to stay in a good way with family members
--Keep up with this journal, and join at least two more communities
--See my mom's parents (I rarely get to see them, since mom lives in PA and her folks live in Brooklyn, and I am disallowed from driving there myself)
--Perform the sacrifice to Apollo of the bootleg Gameboy Advance cartridge that deleted my data after 30 hours of game play.
I'll keep you aprised of progress. ^_^
Goodbye for now.
~Paul G.
"Isn't it amazing how quickly everyone can turn against you?" --United States President Tom Whitmore (ID4)