Aug 09, 2004 15:03
I am less intelligent for having read my friends page. Once upon a not so distant time, I considered myself one of the highbrow members of society. One of the few who could lord their brilliance over the squalid, moronic many. However, after skimming the mind-numbing drivel written by someone who couldn't possibly have a double digit IQ, I can no longer claim that my cerebral functions are firing on all cylinders.
Who allowed the inmates to leave their ward? And who, pray tell, allowed any of them anywhere near a computer? I can only hope that they will find an open socket, stick their pudgy little fingers in it, and shock some sense into their small, deteriorating brains.
The idiots are coming. The idiots are coming. Run, run. The idiots are coming.
PS Dawn will you marry me.I can't live without you.Thankx