I feel like I should clear something up concerning faith and religion.
Let me get this clear: I have no problem with people being of other faiths and religions (including atheism). If in my previous entries concerning faith and religion I seemed rather critical about other systems of faith, know that I didn't intend to be critical. As I see it, all of these different paths all lead to the same thing - spiritual enlightenment.
What I do have a problem with is when people try and impose their belief system on me or dismiss my belief system as pointless. I read
a blog entry where it seems like atheism's four leading horsemen (Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens) disagree with people of faith and also see religion as though it were a virus. "When you want to impose your beliefs on me, by force if necessary, you’re just another authoritarian."
When it comes to me and my faith, there have been many moments wherein I have doubted my faith; on the other side of the doubting, I have strenghtened my faith so much. I identify 100% with
The Rev. Mark S. Hanson, the current presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: "I’m known as a passionate doubter, but who never ever loses his faith." Plus, why should others care about how and what and all that behind my faith and religion?
This is where I stand; I can do no other.
EJ (