Sep 14, 2006 17:44
I haven't updated in a while, as my subject suggests, andI feel I should update, so I am. There's one problem, I really have nothing I feel so excited about saying, but I guess I can always ramble and tangent all over the place like I normally do.
I have to go back home this weekend to finish up cataloging the rest of the marshall conty crayfish specimens, it should be tedious and monotonous. Hopefully I can get it all done this weekend so I don't have to come back and do more another weekend, though I have other things to attendt to at home asside from crayfish.
An Old Navy commercial just came on tv where some girl blew a bubblegum bubble and she's flying (clearly she can produce helium out of oxygen with the particle accelerator she has in her lungs). Now as this mutant woman is floating they highlight her Old Navy pants, perhaps to indicate that they acted as the mutagen (at least that's how I took it), and a bunch of people started jumping and catching hold of her leg, the next jumping person catching hold of the previous cathing person's leg and so on (you may have seen the commercial yourselves, so I'm not going to go into the details). as quaint as the commercial is in it faglike fashion I found that I would be more intested in the commercial if the weight of all the people pulling down on the mutant woman's leg would cause it to be ripped off, or at least painfully pulled from it's socket.
There again I see another stupid commecial for midas brakes. This woman has to stop to not hit a kid who runs out in from of her car to grab his pet salamander "spike" that he apparently dropped in the road in front of the car. As the moron child picks up what looks like a Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, it makes a weird animal noise (so does the child), but the problem is that they don't make that noise, in fact they don't make much noise at all. Also, nobody walks around with a pet salamander because all of open non-moist environment and contact with the boys hand would mess with the creature's cutaneous respiration and it would die before long. So the idea of a kid wandering around with a salalmander in the middle of suburbia is utter stupidity.
Currently my roomate's younger brother and his moron friends are on my deck, one's probably going to fall off. Any disturbance issues my roomate or his brother etc. cause will be dealt with by my roomate, I don't feel like dealing with their mistakes. Thursday is an aweful time for a football game. Normally I'd try to get drunk or something with people, but I have monrning class.
I dunno, I have nothing to accompish at the moment and I intend on living that up.