I'm still not fixed. I'm broken as ever. Lol. But, at least, that certain issue is already resolved. Or, should I really call it resolved? Well, more like I've already buried it six feet under the ground. No more returning, definitely.
The start of this year has been pretty tough for me and my classmates. We had exams and requirements to keep us busy. Or rather, to deprive us of decent sleep. So.. I had less time to do what I enjoy most (which is sleeping, lolz).
So, enough about me. Let's talk about more important things: Toma and Arashi!
The "Ningen Shikkaku" trailer is already out. It. Is. Freakin'. Amazing. Well, we shouldn't expect anything less from my Mr. Sunshine, should we? Also, the movie's official site has been updated. With lots of GOOD Toma pictures plastered around. I practically clicked almost every hyperlink there, and.. I'm glad that I'm a very curious being. I got to see beautiful shots of Toma. And the background music. "Ave Maria". Seriously. I think I just went to heaven. Lol!
I know I'm already late (heck, I'm ALWAYS late in everything), but I just watched "Saigo no Yakusoku" aka "The Last Promise" two hours ago. What did I think of it?
Two words: THE BEST.
Oh, let me give you another two words for it: EPIC WIN.
Seriously! I'm not being biased or anything (by now, you shouldn't be believing everything I'm saying. Of course I'm biased! I can't help it!).
Rawr. I won't talk about it anymore because, yeah, spoilers are bad. Oh, speaking of spoilers, I was able to restrain myself from reading LJ entries with spoilers.. I HAVE SELF-CONTROL, YO~! Hahaha.
Also, "My Girl" won the Best Drama Award, Aiba Masaki won the Best Actor Award and Ishii Momoka won the Best Supporting Actress Award in the recent Nikkan Sports Grand Prix Awards. Oooohh the cute kid won! I'm happy. :D
AND! The most recent, shocking thing. Sho's appearance in AnAn. I was studying for three exams that day, then people were already posting HQ scans of the said magazine. UGH. I think I just died and went to heaven. Oh, I brought Mikai with me there, in that oh-so-heavenly place. Lol! But, I had to study, so I was immediately sent back to earth. Tch. I wish I had more "heaven time". Lol.
I'm being so incoherent already! Tch. I think my brain's already fried. Thanks to fandom, that is.
What else? Hmm.. It is related to both Toma and Arashi. Err. I'm afraid my hd's going to explode anytime soon. I'm going to contradict my earlier statement by saying this, but I think I don't have self-control. Lolwhut? And, together with my hd, my grades.. Ahh, I'm fearing for my grades. There are times when I really SHOULD study, but yeah, fandom calls. Tch >.<
Oh, another man caught my eye. And guess what? He's not Japanese! *gasp*
Yeah. Anybody here watched "You're Beautiful"? There's this character named Tae Kyung. The actor who played that role is Jang Geun Suk. He's cute, really. Cute eyes and cute smile.. I watched a movie of him entitled "DoReMiFaSoRaSiDo", and.. Seeing him playing the guitar and listening to him singing is, I dunno, awesome? Because he's really cute.
My classmates and I share this certain "bonding time" when we talk about JGS. Now that's what I call fangirl flailing! =)
And yet.. I'd still definitely choose Toma over him.
I really should.. Hmm, stop this? Nah. Highly unlikely. Err, control myself more? That I'll try. =)
So, I have a date with Robbins today.
Ciao! ^^