(no subject)

Sep 07, 2009 05:12

Yes, it's 5.48 in Thailand right now and I don't know why the hell I'm I still awake. Maybe it's because of the long nap I took this afternoon, now no matter how hard I try I just couldn't sleep. D: Also, I'm not sleepy at all (but I know I will... during the biology class this afternoon).

I just ordered a whole bunch of doujinshi... again... right after I got an e-mail from the shop that my old order just arrived. I missed that djs of Hagi though and I do regret it a lot. ;w; I wished I ordered it sooner and now that it sold out the only thing I can do is just to wait and hope desperately that it'll be restock. Moreover, I also missed the Akuyuu Trio anthology which I've been waiting for since two months before the release...

DAMMIT!!!!!!!! D:< and this is totally not my fault. It sold out way too fast!!! I saw it on the website and thought I'm gonna order it... the next day, it sold out. OTL

Oh well, never mind... also, I just wanna thanks ppl who commented in my last entry. <3 I didn't reply because whenever I thought about replying what came up in my mind are like 'Thanks' or 'Thank you very much' or 'I'm glad you like'. : / Even now I'm amaze how I get an A in English language, the examiner must be drunk or something. *_*

Okay, so I need to get back to my hw now... I waste so much time on catching up with the Spaish lesson (cuz I dropped it and then I retake it again...) now I don't have enough time for my history hw which is due this tuesday. Because although I get this M O E feeling every time I read them doesn't mean that I wanna read this insane wall of text of international relationship in the 1900s. D:< (but they're really MOE I had to admit)

List of art trade and what I have to draw just to remind myself. (It's a longggggggggggggggggggg list.)

- Chibi Russia/China (trade with Nebe) [[Status: 60% || Just need to work on those three in the background.]]
- America and Canada (trade with Rumine) [[Status: 15%.. or 0%? || I wanna redraw it so...]]
- Estonia and Finland (trade with Rumine) [[Status: 5% || sketching finished. Lining+Colouring needed.]]
- Japan/China (trade with Senritsu) [[Status: 1% || Only this bizarre idea in my head... *_*]]

- 8059 comic (8059 is LOVE online anthology project) [[Status: 5% ---> 0% || GAH. I have one week for this and I just got this new idea today and wanna change the plot and redraw everything... and I can't draw Gokudera's hair anymoreeeeee *dies*]]

- Spain/Romano fanart (Hetalia Pet Cafe AU) [[Status: 0% || Blame allyoucaneater for her awesome AU idea and beautiful fanart which makes me wanna draw too~]]
- Thailand/Vietnam [[Status: 0% || Need to start shipping my own country too. lol.]]
- Spain/fem!Romano comic, fanart, whatever [[Status: 0% || no reason]]
- NorthSouthEastWest brothers [[Status: 5% || I just want to draw these 4 together]]
- Greeting (Slightly Spain/Romano and Prussia/Romano mini comic) [[Status: 30% || there's not much going on in this comic, really]]
- Italy brothers fanart (because I have so many WIP Italies fanart let's be specific here. It's the pasta-making one. : |) [[Status: 15% || It's ugly... yet another fanart I wanna redraw]]
- new header? (The one w/ Romano and Spain and the axis as the bg) [[Status: 15% || one word. REDRAW. XD]]
- More crossdressed Trio (You guys already see it's coming, right?) [[Status: 20% || I planned and doodled down the idea already.]]
- Chibis (This refers to lots and lots of chibis I draw for making into keychains or badges or something of that sort.) [[Status: 25%-75%]]

- Oofuri fanart. I need to draw more of them.

(I think there're more. But this is it. For now.)

Not to mention I have about 5-6 tags and memes I planned to do... Ahahahaha. XD



PS. If you wanna do an art trade with me... FEEL FREE TO TELL ME!!! ;-P Though, as you can see, might took me pretty long to finish it. lol.

journal, random

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