
Dec 12, 2009 17:03

America is poking England's cheek? XD
It seems so intentional. Maybe it's a fan service for BeiEi fans. lol.

I wished they would make a Spain figure, seriously.

PS. Christmas Break! Yay! XD

PS2. I finally finished the fill for the 8059 is LOVE online anthology! T_T
Took me so long, I guess it's because I'm just not into KHR that much anymore...

PS3. Despite having so many art trade already, I really wanna send holiday cards!
Send as in sending it to your home! I'm making an APH postcard right now for the aphholidaypost and so wanted to know if anyone is interested in receiving one as well?
It'd be cool if you send something back to me too (maybe a postcard from ur country etc.) but it's totally not necessary. :D
So... if you're interested leave me a comment or something or maybe you can wait to see the finished postcard art first then decide whether you want it or not.
My plan is that the main picture would be of the 7 Asian countries and also, I would draw you your country as well on the other side (or maybe another country if you request).


So It will look something like this... (I think)

There will be some changes but basically it'll be based on this.
I'm not sure whether a lot of people will want it or not but if there are a lot then I think I have to limit the number down...
Anw, it's first come first serve! :D
(Also, please keep in mind that it is a handmade postcard and I'm not that good at cging
so if the quality is not that good please don't be too much disappointed. TwT!)

List of ppl I'm sending to so far
( ) = country they r from, [ ] = Chibis I'm drawing at the back for them

- zuve (Finland) [Russia]
- Apollo Pompano (Canada) [RoPu+Doku]
- crystalmir (USA) [BeiEi]
- need_coffe (Sweden) [Prussia]
- Ally (Malaysia) [BeiEi]
- Irma (Czech) [SeiRomaPu]
- Patricia (Malaysia) [SeiRoma+Nichi+Chu]
- Liffy (Thailand) [RoTai]
- Aum (Thailand) [BeiEi]
- Brain (Thailand) [RoChu]
- Julia (USA) [VietBei]
- Catmenrulz (USA) [BeiEi]
- yokainomiko (USA) [SeiRoma/SuFin/BeiBela/Nor]
- cutthroatpixie (USA) [SeiRoma]
- xtwilightzx (Canada) [BeiEi]
- 「•チェシャ•」(Thailand) [BeiEi]
- yaoi_queen (USA) [DokuI/BeiEi]
- rissa_ichiko (USA) [RoBei]
- -๐ l)al2k=MaP1e ๐- (Thailand) [FutsuTai]
- pOONA (Thailand) [EiChu]

So many USUK fans, lol. XD
It started to become long maybe I'll close this soon... idk


OMGOMGOMG Check this out!!!!
A gift art from Lynn-san of Spain and Fem!Romano!!!!! XDDDDDDD
She's like my favourite USUK dj artist! :D

aph, random

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