I took all these from
neesha123 !
01. Name: Emily
02. Age: 17
03. Where on earth do you live: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
04. What makes you happy: Dommie, music, watching funny movies, hanging with friends
05. What have you been listening to lately: Straylight Run, Strata, Steriogram (a lot of s's!)
06. Interesting fact about you: I can play 5 instruments!
07. Are you in love at the moment: No
08. Favourite destination: Seattle, Washington!!
09. Favourite quote: I have WAYYYYYY too many!! One of them is: In this life, there are nothing but possibilties - Lucas (Empire Records)
01. A movie: Donnie Darko, Spirited Away
02. A book: Vernon God Little, and anything by Meg Cabot, b/c even though they're all teen books (ewwwww) she's a really excellent writer!!!!!
03. A band, song or album: STRAYLIGHT RUN! (absolute brilliance!) and Motion City Soundtrack!
A song I'd like to be associated with: The Future Freaks Me Out - Motion City Soundtrack
How many songs in your mp3 collection?
How many with Death in the title?
Homecoming: Death of St. Jimmy - Green Day
Death and Destruction - Weezer
How many with Sex in the title?
How many with Love in the title?
20: Sorry, I'm not gonna name them!! TOO MANY! a lot of Beatles songs
How many with Fuck in the title?
Longest track?
Homecoming: Death of St.Jimmy/East 12th Street/Nobody Likes You/Rock - Green Day
Shortest track?
Her Majesty - The Beatles
First title, alphabetically?
. . . Slowdance on the Inside - Taking Back Sunday and then 45 - Shinedown
Last title, alphabetically?
Zutons Fever - The Zutons