Sep 03, 2005 02:01
most college statement ever occured to day: " where's my cigarette- dude, its on your beer."
heh, i was amused y this statement
"wow, this hot pocket is hot"
today i found a leaf. well a multi leaf. like it is lots of leafs on a leaf. it is a fan but not hamburger style. like it is long(hotdog style). i took a picture so as to share, after all a picture tells is worth a 1000 (put a comma in there) words. well it might be more or less, probably less, i doubt i could write 1000 words on a damn leaf. bye sexy wolrd. i need to watch chapelle's show. not it is really his show. like for serious.
tomorrow is a day for blazing trails and other things. bye sexy world. kiss (can;'t wait to read this in the morning, if i feel ok)
i am appauled b/c the mood :drunk has a tear, but i am very far from being a sad sad boy. i am quite content. isn't that right my dear dear livejournal "thats right patrick"{holy shit i met someone with my anti name, their name was micheal patrick duffy. thats so close to my name. well bye livejournal. id kiss u but the screen is too far away