Jul 16, 2005 18:02
Ok..weird.. yesterday my mother was being a nazi about knowing where i was, and was like so qwhat are u doing each hour, and go ahead and just tell me ur entire future. and then i told her i didn't know. then later that day i said can i go to the mountains, and she flipped a shit and was like, look, u never tell me where u are anyways so why shoul dthis be any different, u have proven that u wanna live on ur own, so why are u asking me this. i have given up finding out what u are doing. but tell me where u are at night.
wtf. but later that day she dropped her keys down the elevator shaft?!?!?!?!?! and i came and got them out with a coathanger and a broomstick and some string. she has been considerably nicer to me since then. oh mothers can be so so stupid. peace