What if instead of working at the library as it is...I worked at a library that was on an airship? And the ship had Victorian trimmings amidst cold steel and chrome? Well, this is what went through my head yesterday and as such I decided to dress accordingly. Tweed highpockets were had, brass button down boots quick stepped, a beige scarf flapped about and a dapper skintight vest hugged my ribs. I tell you it was an adventurous day. I felt as if I should be out wing walking. Which really, that mood has been growing lately with all the damnable movies I've been watching about the gritty days of early aviation.
and Amelia's rival:
I do believe there is a barrel-rolling, gruesome early
aviatrix story in me. Add it to the list of stories yet to write. Time. I want more of it.
As I did not have an aeroplane to navigate, my Friday night was free and clear to go to the theater with Ms. C.S.E. Cooney. We saw this:
Unfortunately, the poster was creepier than the play.