I am home.
Which is good. Hades loaned Arizona a hundred degrees for the duration of my stay.
I am an autumnal creature. I need me the breeze. The trees. Empty, September air. And I missed my desk. Lord that I loved hanging out with me ma, who I only get to see but once a year (SUCK!), but it's good to be at my own self's desk. Speaking of which. Check it, new desk corner at new apartment:
No, I haven't hung up pictures yet...but that's just about the only thing undone. Speaking of the rest of the apato, here is my new living room:
Why yes, that's a DISHWASHER!!!! And next to that there is a WASHER AND DRYER! I'm moving up in the GD world. AND THERE ARE STRAIGHT WALLS! Nails aren't popping out of the floor. Ok, so there's carpet, and that blows, but I won't have to huddle around a furnace in my living room this winter and my man's desk is not under a collapsed section of ceiling and I don't have to pay for a parking permit each year and all of this means a thousand percent upgrade.
I found this while I was moving:
Yeah, that's my teacher-mandated, third grade notebook. Note the words "TRUE LOVE" and "SMILLE" rubbed into the cover and spoken to no one in particular.
Here is a detailed entry from when I was 9...nine being the age when I was OBSESSED with magic and took classes at a local joint, Chuck's House of Magic. No, I cannot still do magic. Sigh. Fun stuff:
I was an excellent illustrator back then:
And here is me a year before this notebook:
Note the inset of my classy mom pants, head-fist 4th grade photo. OI! My dad had these in his wallet up until 3 days ago, wherein he finally got tired of them.
Dad: "You want these?"
Me: "Uh."
Dad: "They're cute. You want them?"
Me: "I guess..."
He says cute, I say no wonder I was a loner.
K. Must write. Later yo.