Kill-Box Road Trip and A Sack of Other

Mar 08, 2011 22:08


I'm writing a new story.

It's tentatively titled "Kill-Box Road Trip." It's about two broads who go cross country from Chicago to Colorado to retrieve a stolen box and kill bad shit along the way. If Pandora opened a box (jar, whatever) and all the world's evil was let loose...well this box is Pandora's box's big daddy. There's a burnt out diner, an abandoned missile silo, a hilarious friendship, a two-night stand and a man named Wilkes.

Madtits fun to write.

And eight days into my new life of only one job and writing and I'm still wonderballs, super rad happy over all the free time. I don't think it's ever going to get old.

* * * * *

Bonus of the day:

I got my copies of C.S.E. Cooney's and Nicole Kornher-Stace's new novellas in the mail:


Click the pics to buy yer own.

* * * * *

Got five minutes? Here's a time-eater:  Black and WTF. Example:

* * * * *

Misc. Loving These:

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image You can watch this video on

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Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
(Notice the effin' creepy right hand corner riding rabbits, eh?)

Too bad Michel Haillard doesn't work with faux materials... cause everything he does is GORGEOUS.

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paintings, writing, art, artists

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