Only in Florida Only me AKA Karma is a Bitch!

Oct 19, 2011 20:25

This morning at work I happened to look out in the parking lot and noticed someone driving a Ford F150 4x4 towing a boat. The idiot was trying to back up and just couldn't do it. I admit to laughing while watching and I openned  the door for a customer, who was shaking her head, I said that it was kinda funny to watch. She said yes it was unless you were the driver of the Tuscan he just hit. Well shit damn f*** guess who drives a Tuscan. Yeppers the idiot hit my car. He was cutting threw the parking lot and went to turn left, forgot to account for the trailer and boat and managed to hit my car starting at the front and went to the rear tire well. Pulled off the panal on my drivers door, gouged the glass and just scraped everything to hell.

I parked where no one was parked,3 spaces to the left clear, 2 spaces to the right and all the flipping spaces in front of me empty. He was 82 years old and only has1 working eye. His left eye was covered totally by an eye patch. He is a snowbird (winter resident) from New Hampshire and had no flipping clue where the water was. I kid you not. While waiting for the Sheriff Deputy he asked me which way he had to go to get to the water.

Teach me not to laugh at people when they are having issues in anywhere near my car won't it???

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