Gas rant

Mar 18, 2008 23:17

So I was on cybersocieties and there was a thread of people bitching about gas prices and how the oil companies are raping us on, and in an effort to start posting more often.... I'm just copying and pasting:

The price of gas has almost nothing to do with oil companies. The gas is dictated buy the cost of the raw materials and supply and demand.

People like their Chevy Yukon XLs and Ford Exhibitions and don't like car pooling or public transportation, so the demand is going to increase more every year. It's too expense to build new refineries to produce more gas, plus, the one company that decides to do it will pay the cost of construction, which will then result in a sudden increased supply which will dramatically erode the small demand side generated profit margins that exist in a gallon of gas.

The cost of a barrel of oil is dictated by money and power mongering oil princes in the Middle East and by greedy commodity brokers on the world markets. The higher the price of a barrel of oil, the more money they make and the more important that region of the world becomes.

As the price of a barrel increases, so does the amount of money an oil company can make by pumping oil out of the ground. That is the source of oil companies profits, not the gas prices.

I personally don't give a fuck, because I'll be driving a alternate fuel vehicle in two years anyways. So I can't wait until the gas prices break $7 this summer.

Besides, I drive a Civic Hybrid that gets 40 miles per gallon, and I carpool 3-4 times a week.
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