dude i need a dudette

Sep 05, 2007 20:49

nah i dont the dudette needs me right...... well anyways i havent posted in a long time. i do not know where everyone gets there inspiration from,but let me say this as of right now i am an outcast it kind of feels weird when you can hang out with a bunch of diffrent people during school and almost never see them outside of school.so yeah i kinda feel lonely but i dont, i just need to solidify my status, am i a jock, or am i a "nerd" or whatever they call it. i just need to know who my "real friends" are.i think its my fault that all this stuff is happening to me,i think all the times i sold my friends out john, karl and my old crew.now i look back and regret some of the things i did when i was with her. its not because im bitter, its just that i realized i did a bunch of stupid things for her that she didint ask of me, so its not her fault really its mine.im not saying i dont love my new group because i do, jorge is my brother just happened to be born cuban and not peruvian,karina my best friend, elias humors me everytime we talk,troop wats not to love,christina my 4th grade homegirl, ray were going to fight but i love u man, nicole is the shit,carmen with her cute smile and laugh,hey D
idk why but ur the shit,jane its cuz ur my bros lil sis andrea even though we barely talk we talked alot for a while.i love all u guys but i dont know what to do
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