Nov 25, 2015 21:58
I just put the apple pie in the oven at 9:30 PM so I will be up for a while... Haha!
Our local store was out of eggnog yesterday so I went down to the publix by I-75, our new spiffy store with only 2 stalls in the women's bathroom. Consideration for the customer does not seem to be a design parameter, although the staff is wonderful.
I got my eggnog so I can have my bi-yearly whiskey and eggnog (tomorrow and Christmas Day) with fresh nutmeg on top.
Got the mail, took back a book, got gas and with my Winn-Dixie card paid only $1.65 a gallon, which was nice.
I am icing my knee and planning to read.
Listened to Corelli this morning. When Bob got back from Vietnam, he was an instructor pilot at Ft. Wolters, Texas, which had a library. There was a multi record set of Corelli sonatas. I had never heard of him, but I took it out every week, I loved it so much. The CD I have now is glorious. Charms my soul.