Camping Woes

Jul 13, 2006 10:37

Just talking typing out loud here, so bear with me -------

I am going camping today for two nights.  Joining me on this adventure will be my 2 children, plus another mom and her 2 kids.  I have camped about 8 times in the past 4 years, so by no means do I consider myself a "camper" yet.  To be that, I think you must weather thunderstorms in your tent, you must not be able to run to a convenience store within 5 miles of your campsite, you must only be able to bathe in a can only poop in a hole you dug out.  Needless to say, my camping experiences have been with amenities such as showers, toilets, general stores and yes......GOOD coffee nearby!

Today's adventure will find us on an island about a mile from where we live.  The island has trees, hiking trails and........oh.....hhmmm....yup...that about wraps it up.  The island has no electricity, no running water....but it does have compost toilets.  (Does that mean I am pooping into dead leaves??)  We are being dropped off by my husband via his boat and will be picked up some time on Saturday.  We do have a cell phone for emergencies AND there will be a ranger on the island God forbid there are any emergencies.

There is a problem though........not sure if its a problem or just something that is bothering me......

I have a very good friend who has decided not to join us.  In phone calls the past few days, she is asking questions of me about the island conditions.  I am sure it is just me, but it almost seems that she is going out of her way to make me feel uncomfortable about staying over on the island.  She is reminding me about the no toilet, no running water, no ice runs, NO BEER RUNS (kidding), no phones, it might rain...blah blah blah.  I asked her, jokingly, if she was trying to talk me out of going.  Her reply was of course no, but she stated she couldn't believe we were going out there.

It is just bothering me.  Maybe she feels we can't  "handle" it with the kids.  I know one thing is for sure.  IF this trip is a disaster, there is NO FRIGGIN way I am going to tell

Okay....I bitched.......I am done.       :)

P.S.  It is raining as I type this.....^%$^%$&&%......

Note to self:
*Add more tarps to the camping list*
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