TV Show

Apr 26, 2010 21:52

Grabbed from Max Boma!

  • Bold the shows you've watched every episode of
  • Italic the shows you've seen at least one episode of
  • Strike thru any you haven't heard of
  • Put an X by ones you have never seen an episode of (I added this to make them stand out more)
  • Post your answers

50. Quantum Leap -- I've seen a lot of these
49. Prison Break X
48. Veronica Mars X
47. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
46. Sex & The City X

45. Farscape X
44. Cracker
43. Star Trek
42. Only Fools and Horses
41. Band of Brothers X

40.  Life on Mars X
39. Monty Python's Flying Circus
38. Curb Your Enthusiasm  X
37. Star Trek: The Next Generation --every eppy at least twice
36. Father Ted

35 Alias X
34. Frasier X
33. CSI: Las Vegas X Never seen any of the CSIs
32. Babylon 5
31. Deadwood X

30. Dexter X
29. ER -- I've seen a lot of this show
28. Fawlty Towers X
27. Six Feet Under X
26. Red Dwarf X

25. Futurama X
24. Twin Peaks
23. The Office UK X --never saw the US or UK version
22. The Shield
21. Angel

20. Blackadder
19. Scrubs  Just recently discovered this show-- love it!
18. Arrested Development X
17. South Park
16. Doctor Who X

15. HeroesX
14. Firefly X
13. Battlestar Galactica X 
12. Family Guy X
11.  Seinfeld X

10. Spaced
09. The X-Files
08. The Wire X
07. Friends I saw most of these, up until Rachel got knocked up and then it got dumb and I stopped watching it.
06. 24 X

05. Lost
04. The West Wing -- I think I saw one or two eppies
03. The Sopranos X
02. Buffy
01. The Simpsons

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