May 22, 2010 15:01
No More Ethnic Cleansing Comedy Skit. (suggestions welcome)Share
Today at 2:57pm | Edit Note | Delete
No More Ethnic Cleansing Comedy Skit.
Scene: Political Rally under big “No Mas Ethnic Cleaning” sign. Political speaker is speaking to group on microphone.
Political Speaker (PS): And we refuse to clean your kitchens, or bathrooms, or hallways, or yards until you clean the injustice of your laws!”
Protestors: “No mas ethnic cleaning! No Mas ethnic cleaning!”
PS: “We refuse to scrub your toilets, or mop up your stains until we too can stand clean and free!”
Protestors: “No mas ethnic cleaning!”
PS: We will clean NO MORE until you too scrub the dirt from your eyes!”
(Cut to, a journalist “reporting live at the scene.” Journalist is looking at camera, which is really the audience, journalist is holding ear waiting for cue.”, protestors still act as if chanting and protesting, PS still act as if speaking but do so quietly so journalist can be heard.)
Journalist (J) : “That's write Harold. We were told a group or angered sudanese or somalians where protesting for the end of ethnic cleansing, but as you can plainly see these are not somalians at all. It appears some sort of protest against either Arizonan legislation or clean bathrooms. We are not sure at this point.
PS: “you tell us we are good enough to make sure your vegetables have been washed, but refuse to wash your hands of our blood.”
Protestors: “No mas ethnic cleaning.”
J: “As you can see Harold, we are getting mixed messages here. We are not sure which injustice this particular crowd is protesting. We are not sure if they are for something or against something. However, we do the riot police are standing by so at the least we can hope for a good show. Back to you Harold!
End of skit.