part deux

Jan 17, 2013 06:29

I was going to post this last night, but after I got out of work, I came home, worked out, and started crying. Poor Joe. He did everything right, though - listened to me bitch about my day, hugged me, let me sob into his shoulder, accepted "I don't knowwwwwwwwwwww" as an answer when he asked what was really wrong after I'd been crying for oh, about 40 minutes.

I think that once I started, I just couldn't stop. My eyes are still puffy from last night and I am really not looking forward to work. I'm just going to bring lots of chocolate with me and hope I can make it through.

I don't really want to rehash the entire day, but basically, nothing I did was the correct thing to do: first John told me he was disappointed in me because I made a couple of mistakes on the first round of flyer updates, then he yelled at me for not working on the catalog (Jun doesn't drive in the snow and I was attempting to find all her login info for her computer). Next, he yelled at me for entering tracking on orders while he called everybody else into a meeting (he apologized for this one), then I got an annoyed look for not working on things fast enough (see previous). To clarify, I have worked in Quark a handful of times and have minimal experience. There's a lot of stuff I CAN do (and an equal amount about which I am clueless), but it takes me awhile to even do the things I know how to do. John checked on me after lunch, I explained that it was slow going, he said he understood and do the best I can and Jun will be in tomorrow. Evidently, I was complaining to myself a little too loudly, because then Jackie got her stupid self involved and yelled at me for doing what John had told me TO DO since the morning (editing prices and adding item numbers for all color options on items, ie: AC-123B for blue, AC-123W for white, etc). Then she bullied him and said I should NOT be doing that, even though I only had one more left that I needed help with from Jun anyways cause the box is too little to fit all the information into it. Basically, when he was talking to him and then relaying the message to me, she made me feel like I was fucking the whole thing up even though I know I'm not. She even said to me, "*I* don't even know how to use it". BITCH YOU ARE STUPID AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO WRITE UP ORDERS THAT YOU LOOK AT EVERY DAY.


Today will be better. Today has to be better. I am charging my ipod now so I can tune people out today.


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