But I need a new laptop. Apparently the processor can't keep up, or else it's just collapsed of old age (it's 7 years old).
I've been looking at Lenovo and Dell. I'm seriously undecided; I've mostly not been paying attention to what is what, except for what Duncan raves about for gaming machines and what he has at college. (Generally Aldric gives him the machine he is replacing, which happens about once a year.)
I play with pictures a lot -- changing size, editing, making several versions for different uses, cleaning up pictures that are fuzzy or dark.
I do a lot of work with the Microsoft Suite, Office, Excel, and Powerpoint primarily.
I use coffeCup to do HTML work.
I use Semagic to write LiveJournal entries.
I use Firefox for browsing, email, etc.
The times when my machines struggle are:
When I'm working with pictures & another program, especially when I'm adding pictures into a word or HTML document. I will have my browser, Paint Shop Pro, and Word open at the same time, so I can locate clip art or buy art, download, edit, and then place into the document.
When I have several word documents open at the same time and open a browser.
It doesn't seem unhappy when I'm doing email with music on, or browsing with music on.
I generally have spybot, the Norton Internet Security package, gmail, semagic, DING!, Uniblue Speed Up My PC, maybe a couple of other things running in the background.
Any thoughts?