Since Nov 2003, my cat Drake has lost 5.2 lbs. (He now weighs what Jen did when she was born: 9# 12 ounces.) When I put the cats on an "indoor" diet, they all slimmed down, but Drake kept on going. On Wednesday,
Hyla_Regilla, who had last seen him about a month ago, said that he was even skinnier than the last time she'd seen him. His coat, which had gotten very rough and dry, was shiny and soft again, but still he was a shadow of his former self. He's been sleeping a lot and not bossing Strider around so much. I haven't been sure whether it was Cat Politics or something else.
The vet did all the normal stuff, and couldn't find anything wrong except that he's, well, losing weight. So they took samples of various sorts, and I'll hear back tomorrow. In the meantime, I should keep an eye on what he's eating, etc. He ate a whole handful of kitty crunch treats at the vet's. Sigh. He ate a whole cup of my yogurt the other night when I got up to get the phone. But he seems to be eating OK when I put their food out, too. ????
More as I know it.
Hyla_Regilla, the vet said that the best diagnostic report we could have was from someone who hadn't seen Drake in several weeks. Thanks again for helping.