Upgrade/Downgrade 2005 edition!

Dec 31, 2005 10:26

One of my favorite shows on television is "Best Week Ever" on VH1. I mostly like it because they have some of the funniest people trashing the news of the week, and it usually devolves into celebrity bashing, which is always appreciated.

One of the funnier things they do is Upgrade/Downgrade, where they take a news event and list the good points (upgrade) and bad points (downgrade). I'm going to borrow that format and describe my year.

Spent the month of January waiting for my background check to clear so I could substitute teach (Downgrade)

While waiting for said background check I watched all five seasons of "Angel" and got started on the "Six Feet Under" DVDs at Mamoth Video (Upgrade)

Started subbing, and finally making some money (Upgrade)

Subbing can be really frustrating sometimes, had some really upsetting days (Downgrade)

Got a temp job through Olsten Staffing that lasted for a month, made some money, got a bonus for being a good worker, had a good experience overall. (Upgrade)

Went to Ross and Jeana's wedding, spent a few days in Manistee with Trev and Jeremiah, had a blast. (Upgrade)

Counseled at VBYC, and did a good job. Made up for a lackluster last year on staff (Upgrade)

Over the summer I didn't have a lot of temp jobs through Olsten Staffing, and obviously wasn't subbing, so I spent almost all of the bonus to pay my bills. (Downgrade)

Didn't get a teaching job. (Downgrade)

"Serenity" finally made it to the big screen (Upgrade)

However, it was a flop at the box office. (Downgrade)

Continued subbing, had some good times, some tough classes, but overall things were pretty good. (Upgrade)

Had good holidays with family and friends. Still looking for a job, might find one, hopefully I will, I'm trying to be happy with what I have though, and that is probably the most important thing. (Upgrade)

Well, 8 Upgrades, 5 Downgrades so 2005 was a pretty good year I guess, but I won't be too sorry to see it go.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!
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